Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Class Schedule, Lillyism on Heaven, HONEYDEWS!

Class Schedule DONE!

The schedule for the next eight months is ready! Get excited for an incredible season! Visit to download the entire class schedule. We are opening our classes to everyone in the surrounding areas, so if we get really big – we will make a mock kitchen up in our church! Now wouldn’t that be fun?! (For those of you are unaware, the church building next to the store is ours as well. We have weddings there most every weekend. Visit to see!)

Living FOODS!

With all the gardens starting to peak we thought we would plug LIVING FOODS! Anyone who walks into our store cannot leave without knowing our passion for raw living foods. We hope all people can incorporate raw living foods as 75% of their diet. We really don’t care what you do with the other 25% of your diet (although your body may…) but the vitality and energy that starts to rebuild in a system that is full of life is INCREDIBLE! If you haven’t taken our raw food challenge – start today! You would NOT believe the amount of comments we receive about the changes in people’s lives when “going raw”. Remember – raw foods are living foods i.e. un cooked produce, sprouted grains, seeds, nuts, and foods made from these ingredients dehydrated below 108 – that all have living nutrients. Living nutrients create life!

What do they eat in Heaven?

The other morning I was cutting fruit for breakfast when Lilly (6) asked me “Mom, what do people eat in Heaven?” As I looked at her sweet face my mind was formulating a quick response when she interrupted my thoughts and blurted out “I Know! They are dead so they eat dead food! They eat bread and hot dogs in heaven!” – out of the mouths of babes…..raw food babes!

Vibrant Life Vibrant Child!

Vibrant Life Vibrant Child is up and RUNNING! Please visit our website and check out our board of directors. They are AMAZING! Everyone is doing SOOOOOOO much to bring Tasting Safaris and the Expos throughout the area. We are in for a treat! Our sponsorship package is almost completed, and we will be ready to solicit sponsorships. If you feel your place of business would be interested, please let us know. GREAT incentives!

Marketing GURU

We need ONE MORE KEY Player. We NEED someone in marketing! We have a hundred ideas – as always – but need one more person. If you know someone who may be able to help, please let us know. This will be a paid position and will be part of the nonprofit VLVC. Please call 262-629-4301. Thanks!


Our cooler is FULL and bursting with great produce! Local and area organic farmers have filled us up! From sweet corn to cherries, we have a bunch! We are ordering dozens of honeydew melons to give away with every $50.00 purchase. Come enjoy the weekend – the fresh way!


OK folks, if you haven’t tried our soaps yet you are in for a treat! We have had NOTHING BUT GREAT comments from everyone who has used them. It has become the favorite shampoo bar as well! These bars smell great – are all organic – and you can practically eat them! You can read and pronounce every ingredient. These bars are absolutely wonderful, and we promise you will be satisfied. Money back guarantee on these babies for sure! We developed these bars to be: Organic, sudsy, soothing, made with great ingredients, and the best bars we could find…….and it worked! You will pay an extra buck for these bars, but they LAST a very long time. Having 10 people showering – we were the perfect test group! WELL WORTH EVERY PENNY! These soaps would make a perfect gift or pick me up for anyone. I just teased Rita and said I wanted another shower! These bars are a great excuse to shower all day!!


Candida has become a HUGE concern for many Americans. Candida is touted as a precursor for cancer. We will discuss Candida at many of our classes, but wanted to share with you a product that works very well in killing Candida and helping your body regain its correct living culture level –Candex. When we became aware years ago of the rise in Candida, I researched for months which became years. When visiting another part of the state, we found a small out in the middle of nowhere health foods store (sound familiar?) and stopped in. As we always do, we examined all the products, and then had a great conversation with the owner. When I asked him what he was recommending for Candida he told me the only thing he needed on his shelf was Candex. I researched the product and brought it in to our store months later. We have had wonderful response, and wanted to let you know we have the larger bottles as well now. This provides GREAT cost savings. In the time of a-thousand-and-one- Candida-cleanses, this $50.00 bottle is a wonder! (Remember to use probiotics as well! GO RAW KRAUT!)

Sewing Apprentice

This morning I came downstairs after waking up and found Rose (8) sewing. She learned how to hand sew yesterday and was looking for ANYTHING in the home she could sew! I found a few things in my sewing closet, and she spent the entire morning working on them. Sitting on top of our pool table in her Star Wars costume, she sat sewing. This was inspiring to Julia so she took out the old Girl Scout uniforms that had patches not sewn on yet and began to sew them on. Sewing and ironing all over our home today! Family life….it’s great!

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer vacation with your families! See you soon!

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