Monday, March 8, 2010


That’s it! You will find a ton of enzymes in our new line of RAW sauerkrauts. Besides being jam packed full of raw nutrition, these krauts taste great! Consider picking some up from the cooler next time you are shopping, and feel free to let us know your opinions. They are each made from fresh organic cabbage and mineral rich sea salt. That’s it….no water added, just cabbage and salt. Historically, sauerkraut has been used to aid in digestion, and ward of disease. It is an awesome immune booster, cancer inhibitor (I can say that…it is proven in documented study after study), protects the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal track, and one Korean scientist fed fermented vegetables to chickens that had the Asian flu and 11 out of 13 recovered! Well, I know you are not chickens, but I had to share that study! EAT YOUR FERMENTED VEGGIES! - mom


We have six lines of delicious raw crackers coming out, and along the way we had some fun experiments! We are selling these experimental crackers as well, as they still taste great. We noted on the label if they were spicy, no salt, and too thick, etc. We also have new lines of raw bars and you will LOVE THEM! Please ask, if we forget to offer, for samples. We have four ready for samples, and we are selling the chocolate raw bar now. We are also selling the green bar, but have made a few changes…..even though they are still tasty little things…. Both raw bars are just $1.49 while “experimenting!”


We had quite an enjoyable weekend at ZuZu’s! The catering event went smoothly, and the pizza pizza night was tasty and great! We sure had awesome responses to the RAW pizza….in so much that we sold everything we had on it that night to customers! The sauce, the crusts, and the sausages! So…..available in the store will now be our RAW pizza crusts (they will be packaged by the RAW breads), raw pizza sauce and raw sausages made from pecans! YUMMY stuff! Just load on the veggies and you will be craving these babies any time of the day….I do!

Now, on that note…although we LOVE feeding anyone anywhere at anytime…we have concluded as a family that ZuZu’s will only be open for special theme nights and catering. We have catering events lined up from 25 – 2000 people, and we can’t wait! Because catering events provide a secure income, and we have not had very large turn outs while open for drop-in dinning, our decision will be best for our family. We will post our upcoming theme nights on our ZuZu’s page, and we will keep you informed through these exciting, and most often somewhat informative, newsletters!


Yes, you read that correct. I believe there is a plague hitting our society. If one was to take a step back and view our little part of this vast world as a bird would, there would be a few things that are quite obvious. The number one thing being that we are relying on OTHERS to sell us what treatments they believe are best for our bodies. Yes, that other may even include me, but I really want to stress one thing. At NGHC We will NOT sell you loads of supplements, books, tests, scans, more scans and more than a few cleansing treatments. Although I believe some of these things may benefit you along the way, I believe (and history proves over and over) the BEST WAY TO HEAL AND PREVENT SICKNESS AND DISEASE is through your mouth! You ARE what you eat! You ARE what you drink! People are digging their graves one bite at a time! So, instead of selling you myriads of “healing aids”, we want to sell you pure food. That’s it. Unadulterated, undefiled, never genetically modified, never sprayed, no growth hormones to screw you up into thinking you are a cow or chicken that needs more fat faster, no over processed foods, just food. Simple, know-each-ingredient and-enjoy-it food. Although there are countless types of healing processes, gadgets, drinks, cleanses, machines, supplements and muti-marketing plans (I know there are dozens now in the health field….and some I believe are quite useful) I believe with all my heart that if the people who are trying to help you are NOT addressing the core of the problem, the food you eat and the beverage you drink, the plans they offer are only going to act as band aids. If you are suffering from cancers or dis-ease, it is not going to make things better keeping on the same diet that lead to the current problem. The number one thing to do is to change the diet. You will know when you are eating well because you will feel great, have energy, empty that colon a few times a day, and never get sick. This IS POSSIBLE. It is PROBABLE! Your body wants to do one thing…..rebuild and live! Help it along the way with good organic raw foods. You and your family are worth it! You own your body!

Woa, sorry for the soap box issue…..I’m off it now….


NGHC is now offering a cop- op! Yes, a real buying club right here from UNFI. We just ordered 30+ buying club books that will be here on Tuesday. You can order bulk cases or bags of most anything you can think of. Want a case of something at a great price, get it! Want to store up some grain for times ahead? Buy it! The prices are great, and we are glad to be offering this to you. Deliveries will be on Tuesday, and I will have more info later this week. We are looking for someone to spear head this co-op. If you are interested, please email me. You would be in charge of gathering the orders, completing an order (they can order on line as well) and helping to sort on delivery day. If this takes off well, we will also offer a produce co-op of conventional and organic produce.


You will be seeing many more raw and sprouted foods in the fridge and freezer. We will be focusing on these life giving foods much more now that we have so much help in the kitchen! Raw hummus and spreads, raw desserts, raw granolas, raw veggie burgers, raw dinners, and much more coming. Just keep an eye on the cooler!


This Thursday - Organic Gardening! Come learn all about composting, gardening and those fruit trees! There’s not much better in our opinion than knowing how to grow your own food.

Next week, Tuesday, March 16th is the Living with Energy class at 6:30 pm! Round up the friends and family and catch a glimpse of what in the world we are talking about when we talk about organic, colons, proteins, raw foods, energy, diseases, and wellness. Entertaining and enriching, come for the fun!


Tickets are now on sale! We will be dropping them off around town at the places that have offered to sell the tickets. You can purchase them here for $5.00 anytime. The evening events will include organic wine and beer tasting and free dance instruction from Fred Astaire Dance Studio from 6-7 pm, and a great dance from 7-11 pm! Those tickets are also $5.00. $10.00 for a day FULL of excitement, now isn’t that a deal? We are looking for folks to sell tickets at their place of work, so if you are interested, please let us know! PROMOTE this Expo, it will be terrific!


The Eating Organic and Cheap newsletter is DONE and available at on the literature page. There is a chart complete with many items found at the conventional grocery store…showing exactly how much you pay PER POUND for these foods! This is a PERFECT chart and newsletter for anyone to read who tells you they can’t afford to eat organic. Trust me, they will have a much better idea of how much they spend on food after reading this one.

The World of Sugars is also available at the same literature page. This details many forms of sugars and how they are processed. NOTE: (gross note) Did you know the average America eats 1/3 pound of sugar a DAY! That’s 120 pounds a year!


Thank you for helping us stay in business! We know we are not on the beaten path, and we can not thank you enough for sticking with us and coming out to our store for your foods. We hope (and pray) you will continue to do so, so we can continue to provide for our family and yours! We have SO MANY products forth coming. You will all LOVE our toothpastes and new lotions. We simply can not wait to show you all we are working with right now. Why pay the other guys for products we cannot test or know for sure they are what they say they are. Heck, we will just make it ourselves! With Pat Molter (our aroma therapist) and Chris and Joy (the herboligist team) we are making sure you feel safe with everything you put on or into your body, one product at a time.

$10.00 FREE

To show our thanks we are offering March Madness until the end of March. We want to give back to you, and for every $100.00 you spend these next few weeks, you will receive a $10.00 gift certificate. Save your receipts dated March 8th through March 31st and bring them in March 29 – 31 (ONLY) for your $10.00 certificates! This is the same special we ran in December, and we had so many people participate with excitement we thought we would run it again.

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