Monday, June 28, 2010

Pizza Popcorn

The girls just built themselves little hideouts in the family room to view their movie…which means one thing to mom….POPCORN! So out came the Kettle popcorn popper (which is used so much it almost never gets put away anyway) and the coconut oil and the popcorn. Now, plain ol’ popcorn isn’t usually found around here. We do a variety of flavors and wanted to share a few with you! Cheesy Popcorn: Add our NON fortified NON active nutritional yeast to your oil or butter with some sea salt as a topping….YUM! Italian Herb: Add oregano, basil, and parsley to your oil or butter topping…YUM! Pizza Popcorn: Sprinkle olive oil on the popcorn and add some of our perfect nutritional yeast and our HOME MADE PIZZA TOPPING! We are changing the name to Pizzazz Topping…because you can use this incredible topping on pizzas, potatoes, popcorn, salads, you name it~! SALT FREE and DELICIOUS! Off to take the girls some cheesy popcorn.......if I don’t eat it all first……..

Vibrant Child Tasting SAFARI July 8th!

Register now for an incredible tasting adventure! July 8th we will hold a tasting safari at ZuZu’s Café in Allenton WI. All children will receive a Passport to Health and be able to venture through the taste bud extravaganza! Each participant will be able to try over 80 raw living foods and mark on their passports the things they enjoy. For every 20 items your child samples, their name will be entered in a raffle for AWESOME prizes! For more information please visit

We are THRILLED to offer this to our friends and family. We are looking to host the Tasting Adventures throughout the SE WI area this fall, and then our HUGE safari to be held at the State Fair Park during our Expo October 22-23rd.

JULY 8th is NEXT week. Safari space is limited, so pass this information on to your friends and their families. We have three safaris to join. Please register for one of the following: 5:30, 6:00 or 6:30 pm. We have a short EXCITING presentation given at approximately 7 pm. The winners of the raffle will be announced at that time as well.

This is an adventure you DON’T want to miss! Until we get all of our sponsors lined up, we will need to charge a small fee of $3.00 for children and $5.00 for each adult who wishes to try the samples. Thank you! (if we are able to get sponsors prior to the tasting, this price may be lower……we do have donations that can be used to help subsidize if you are unable to pay for your children….just let us know!)

Vibrant Child Opportunities

We have an INCREDIBLE group of people working with our Vibrant Child Program. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for our July 8th adventure, or any of the other adventures that are being scheduled, please contact Trina at . We are looking for people to cut and dice food products, act as safari guides, and be tour overseers. We NEED YOU! This is an incredible way to help children and encourage them to try living healthy foods…and have a blast!

If you have something you would like to donate as a prize for the raffle, please email Trina at This can be a new item pertaining to physical activity or health (ie dance class, balls, glove, trail mix supplies, health basket, etc) or even a gently used I-Pod or something kids could use for entertainment while jogging or working out. These prizes will be given to children ages 2-17. We appreciate ALL donations, so please call or drop in with your donation prior to July 6th. We will be doing a full prize pledge drive when we are doing Tasting Adventures in each school district, so we are looking for friends and family to make donations for the children of this first safari! THANKS!!

Nail Fungus

Yes, I am actually going to touch here on one of the most common ailments we hear! If you are suffering from nail fungus, historically Black Walnut Tincture has been a true blue winner. We just happen to have Dr. Christopher’s Black Walnut Tincture at our store, so if you are interested come on in! Taken orally and applied topically….historically speaking.

Produce Sale!

Natures Garden is going to have ALL PRODUCE 10% off for the next week! This includes the most incredible fresh organic cherries, organic apricots, organic plums and nectarines, Organic Grapes-strawberries-melons-and all those incredible organic vegetables as well! YUM! ALL produce is organic and ALL produce is on SALE!

And it gets better………

For every $100 you spend at Natures Garden between June 28th and July 17th you will be entered to win a $75.00 coupon for any of our Livin Cuisine or Natures Garden Products! That includes our granolas, raw bread, raw crackers, salmon patties, veggie burgers, pizzas, breads, black out burgers, lasagnas, pancake mixes, hot cocoa mixes, and whatever else I am forgetting! YUM!!!!! Come on in and start saving those receipts today!


Please bring in your empty Livin Greens containers or Sauerkraut jars if you’d like!

Kraut! Yummy Healthy Sauerkrauts!

Every batch of our kraut tastes different. This is because our cabbage each week is different. We just received a more local cabbage and found it very moist, as compared to the last few 100 pounds. We are anxious for our local cabbage to come in as well! (Chuck….that’s you!) Because of this variety of cabbages, our krauts will have a variety of flavors. I found the plain kraut one this week to be very buttery…YUM! We have hundreds of pounds in cycle as I write. We are using local fresh organic dill in our dilly krauts as long as we can. On this note: If you ever receive a jar of kraut you don’t like…let us know! Of all of the batches we have made, there was one batch we simply did not like and decided to pull……however three were bought before we pulled them! Up until then, we loved every one of them….but we need and enjoy your input! So far we have had nothing but great remarks…..and perhaps we are too fussy…but those three jars are out there somewhere… We never want you to spend money on something you don’t enjoy! Historically, raw fermented sauerkrauts have been used to help with digestive concerns, cleanse the lower bowel, and aid in building up a kingdom of Probiotics in the intestinal track! Heck, we eat it because it tastes great!


Next week, July 5-9th the full body cleanse will be on sale for only $119.00! This is an incredible price. If you have been interested in doing this particular cleanse, this is the best time to start. It cleanses the Blood Stream, Kidneys, Gall Bladder, Liver and Lower Bowel. I have done this cleanse as well and LOVED it! Others in our family and who work with us on our team have enjoyed the benefits of a cleaner internal system. Again, this sale begins July 5th! Historically, this cleanse has helped numerous thousands of people, and we were just a few!

Gall Bladder

While we are chatting about that gall bladder of yours……simply put, that precious little sack is VITAL to your health. It stores bile and whenever you eat it squeezes that bile out so it can help digest and break down foods. It can become like stony island if we consume excessive meats and dairy, or that deep fried fatty food that needs extra break down time…or drink non distilled water. Those stones need to get to the elimination track…….and when they get too big they get stuck in the gall bladder! Thus when you eat something that needs extra bile….you end up in pain! There are stones blocking the way of the bile! OUCH! I will not write at this time an in depth look into that organ, but would like to present some historical evidence: In Germany, it has been protocol to use liquid lecithin to help break down gall bladder stones. Heck, they even used this in hospitals! So why does this $6.00 wonder get over looked? Well, probably because it is $6.00…….. Historically apple cider vinegar every day helps with….everything from dissolving gall bladder stones to alkalizing the body and for better skin! I personally take apple cider every day in my salad dressings or in a glass of water.

Now historically, the need for an easier elimination channel is important while removing stones, so using Lower Bowel from Dr. Christopher is historically the thing to do! Liquid lecithin, apple cider vinegar and LB for a grand total of under $25.00.

Don’t you love history! Live and learn…….


We have many new books to enlighten you, and more on the way! Pick up The Choice is Clear (All about DISTILLED water, can read the entire thing in an hour…or standing in our store!!) An Herbal legacy of Courage (about Dr. Christopher’s incredible life and gifts to mankind) Dr. Mom’s Healthy Living (Karen’s new favorite book about a mother of 13, master herbalist, microscopist, midwife and lecturer! This woman is incredible and I can’t put it down…) Curing the Incurables (JUST what it says! Written by Mr. Cure all himself – Dr. Christopher) and Transfiguration Diet. WHEW! Time to read! More on their way!

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