Thursday, January 27, 2011

Raw Kitchen Class Tonight 7PM
See you tonight for the educational, inspirational and tasty class on turning the kitchen in your home into a living café! What simple changes can you make to enjoy more fresh living raw foods? What appliances can you replace or add? Come enjoy easy recipes, and simple tricks and methods along with comfort food made the healthy living way!

Well EXPO – This Weekend in Madison!

We have 50 FREE tickets for you to attend one day of the Well EXPO in Madison this weekend. Stop by the checkout counter for your ticket and we will see you at the show! For information on vendors and a list of speakers please visit

NEW ITEMS: Organic Tator Tots, Hash Browns and French Fries, ZuZu’s Creamy Italian Dressing (INCREDIBLE!! You may just drink it!), Collard Greens (GREAT in the Green Smoothies) Juicy fresh Jicama, and seven varieties of Quinoa Noodles.

Discontinued Items: We are adding some great new foods to our freezer, cooler and grocery shelves and need room! The following organic items are drastically reduced (selling most for less than we paid for them) so enjoy! Coconut ice cream bars, Coconut ice cream sandwiches, Brown rice tortillas, Tree of Life frozen raspberries and mixed berries (small bags – we only sell the 5# bags these days!)Rudy’s whole wheat bread and buns, frozen sliced chicken breast, So Delicious soy ice cream, all beer and wine, and frozen fruit bars. There is a freezer in the freezer section -imagine that – full of the frozen items!

Green Bean Casserole

I LOVE certain holiday dishes such as the green bean casserole. This love of cooked holiday foods has led this raw food woman to create some tasty loving dishes! Here is one we love! You can serve this raw or warm it up. Use fresh green beans if available, otherwise frozen (thawed) work fine. Rinse and snap green beans and place in bowl. Make Raw Mushroom soup by blending the following: 1.5 cups of mushrooms, just shy of ¼ cup almond butter, just shy of ½ cup water, 1 TB Coconut Aminos and a pinch of salt. Blend and add to green beans. Add raw cashew “cheese” (blend 1/3 cup water with1 tsp seas salt, 5 TB nutritional yeast and ½ cup cashews – preferably soaked but if you don’t have time to soak that is fine…). If you wish to add some onion flavor, I sauté’ onions in olive or tea oil and top the casserole. You can also use dehydrated onions that are just mildly reconstituted. ENJOY! TIP: If you need a quick easy meal or side and don’t mind it not being raw try this: Two bags of frozen organic green beans, organic condensed cream of mushroom soup and make the raw cheese sauce. Warm and enjoy! I have never met anyone who didn’t love this recipe. We have all the ingredients at Nature’s Garden.

Amish Meal
The Amish meal, as our family calls it, is a recipe I adapted more than 17 years ago. We enjoy this a few time a year. It is NOT raw in anyway, and we even use a pound of grass fed organic beef! You don’t need to add the meat, but we add the meat once in a while. This is simply a family favorite, and rose had me make it for her birthday party and every one of the 9 years old boys and girls LOVED it! There are three layers you layer a few times in a LARGE oven proof glass casserole dish. This makes a large casserole, cut in half if you’d like. 1st layer is Noodles. We made this last night with the quinoa noodles and it was incredible. Rice noodles are our second favorite. 2nd Layer is the following sauce: sauté 3 onions, 4-5 cups mushrooms, three to 6 toes of garlic, and blend the ingredients after sautéed. This makes a great creamy sauce and the kids have no idea what they are eating! (Ok, our kids don’t care but yours may!) To the blended sauce add a few cans of tomatoe sauce, a few tablespoons of Nature’s Garden Italian seasoning or Nature’s Garden Pizzazz seasoning, and 1-2 tablespoons of a raw cane sugar or honey. This sauce is where you would add the cooked ground beef if desired. Warm the sauce and layer as indicated (if you don’t eat it all first). 3rd layer is shredded raw cheese or cheese substitute such as shredded Daya cheese. Bake at 350 and amaze your family!

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