Monday, July 11, 2011

IT'S MONDAY~ Water Class Tonight!, Support Store, Yummy Treats, Blend Tec,& FAMILY

Good Monday Morning!!

Tonight’s class is INCREDIBLE! I just spent time with John,
the owner and founder of Talya water and all I can say is WOW!

Understanding Quantum Physics and energies, this water is something
that every single person in the world will benefit form.
I am amazed at all he has seen. He has been working with animals
and this water for over twenty years.

Four years ago he started with people and these are just a FEW
of the things he has seen: Absolutely everyone with high blood pressure
or high blood sugars has seen dramatic decreases in blood pressure
or blood sugars – many reducing drastically their need for insulin,
Every single person with depression has been thrilled with their
positive attitudes, Parkinson victims have all seen incredible results,
shoulder and back pains disperse, people sleep better, have better
endurance, bowels move well and libido returns (positive local
testimony from a man on that one!) and the biggest thrill for
John to watch is Autistic children, there is not one who has not
felt and witnessed incredible results.

The powerful effects this water has on the body will be discussed
tonight at 7 pm. Our unit was installed today, and we can’t wait
to bring this “dew from heaven” to you!

Look DEEP in your Cupboard….

I know we are all excited about the local farmers market, vacations,
kids home from school and all the excitement summer brings but…….
could you look deep into those cupboards…..are you missing anything?
Coconut, olive and tee seed oils, healing ointments, yummy raw crackers
and breads, non toxic cleaning supplies, laundry magnets (buy them
once and never use laundry soap again!), freshly made body and hair soaps,
RAW SAURKRAUT for probiotics and great digestion, and needed kitchen
supplies are ALL here at Nature’s Garden!

Please continue to support our store! We are on the edge of bringing
in some FANTASTIC additions to the store and wellness center that
you will ALL benefit from, but can’t do it without your powerful
purchasing dollar.

Please note, our grocery mark up is only 23%, so when we offer a
10% discount or a $10.00 gift certificate for each $100.00 you spend,
we are really doing all we can to get you here!

To entice you to shop this week: Many of you who come to our store
this week will taste some fantastic yummy apricot balls, cheesy popcorn,
raw cookies, raw sauerkrauts and salads! STOP and SHOP today!


Free shipping all of July! NOW is the time to grab that blender
from our store! Please go to our website and type in the code:
JulyFreeShip and wait for that incredible MUCH NEEDED kitchen tool!

Karen wrote this particular newsletter, and as tradition has it,
I need to include a silly story or saying. Here is my experience
last night! In case you ever wondered what I dream about……

A FUNNY FUNNY thing happened last night at 1:38 am.

We woke up to the phone ringing and I glanced at the clock.
It was 1:38 am. After Roger answered he realized it was a wrong number,
I laid my head back on my pillow and exclaimed "Just at the best part!"
My husband looked at me and I told him........"I had just signed a
three month agreement with Firestone Tires (A company that sells tires)
for only $7.00 a month my tires were going to glow at night.
They were just going to hand me my free pair of socks for signing
up and the phone rang! Now I can't have my socks or see my tires glow!"
Roger just patted my head, and shook his. What a dream.

FYI: This next part of the newsletters has nothing to do with the store!
Read at your own will!

AMY is back! Amy (16 years old on an exchange) returned from
South Africa in one piece….minus the pieces of her heart she left there.
Her experiences were WILD and she can’t wait to share them with you.
We will be planning a Friday or Saturday at the end of the month,
so get ready for an evening of food, pictures and stories!

We will be having an addition to our family! NO I am not with child,
but rather we are hosting an exchange student from Norway!
Marthe comes to live with us August 22nd and can’t wait!
We write many times a month, and she can’t wait o live with us and
her parents are so excited for her to learn to un-cook! I don’t
know who is more excited to eat our food…Marthe or her parents!
We will have a Norway presentation in early spring.

Jenna and Eric are both off serving missions. Jenna is in Las Vegas
until June of 2012 and has loved the last six months there.
Wow, I am learning so much about Vegas from her letters!
Eric will be gone until June 2013 serving in Florida, Spanish speaking.
If any of you would enjoy their letters, please respond so I can
add you to their mailing list. I can tell you they are FANTASTIC
and those two are devoted to serving others!

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