Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blood Work & What's the BUZZ on Healthy Happy Thoughts!!

My Blood Work & Thoughts There is much to discuss on blood work, but this is not the article on that. This news brief is about MY blood work! People ask me almost daily how I know what to study, how I trust my sources, how long have I done what I do. The answer is quite simple – I have studied for OVER 20 years and have watched most of the health sites evolve! The SAME diet and approach that heals today has healed and re-built bodies for centuries! People just have different ways to share it. What we teach you here at Nature’s Garden Health Center WORKS. Daily we see people’s lives change and improve. Today, I wanted to share with you a few numbers from my recent blood work. All of my numbers were great, but the ones that may make the biggest impact on most people are these: Blood pressure 90/60, HDL - 60, LDL - 68, LDL/HDL Ratio 1.15, CHOL/HDL CHOL RATIO - 2.3, and all my protein levels were GREAT (and we only eat meat 2-3 times a year! i.e. …..we are heading to the Brewers game and will enjoy one of Nature’s Gardens nitrate free brats tonight with kraut! YUM!) YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Come to our classes, set up consults, get EXCITED for the new equipment being brought into the wellness center and know YOU are in charge of your body! YOU can change the amount of pharmaceuticals you take (under doctor supervision of course), YOU can experience great health, YOU don’t need to fear getting sick this winter because with a healthy body – YOU WON’T! You have Mother’s Natures guarantee! There is nothing holding you back from being well. Please, make it a point to come to our classes held on Thursdays and take charge of your life and help influence others. The information we share can change your life for the better. Our lives are dedicated to helping others live with energy and enjoy great vibrant health! CLASS SCHEDULE IS POSTED ON WEBSITE: www.naturesgardenwellnesscenter.com BUZZ-ZY BEE!...Get ENERGIZED with BEE POLLEN!! Bee pollen is an amazing nutrient or naturally occuring supplement. It is esteemed by many health experts as a complete food not withstanding its "supplement" reputation. It has been used as a supplement for thousands of years by many cultures all over the world. Bee pollen is rich in the B vitamin complex (which gives energy), high in vitamins A, C, & E, nucleic acids, lecithin, cysteine, and vital minerals such as selenium, calcium, and magnesium. SEARCH HERE FOR MORE INFO! http://www.naturalnews.com/bee_pollen.html Bee Pollen= Health Enhancer! * Anti-Radiation * Menstrual Pain Alleviation * Anemia (hemoglobin increases) * Allergies (hay fever, asthma, migraine headaches) * Weight Loss * Infertility * Immune System builder * Cancer (uterine) * Longevity & Aging * Pets (fertility use) Experience HEALING from the HIVE...Buzz on over to Nature's Garden Store for bottles: 3.5oz or 16 oz. RAW BEE POLLEN !!! Surprise in Last Night’s Movie! Last night the girls and I decided to figure out what all the excitement was regarding Justin Bieber. We rented the Never Say Never video about him, and sat back to enjoy. It was a great movie and that young man is overly talented. There was one point that stuck out greater than anything. Justin had damaged his vocal chords. They had him on silent treatment – in which he still asked for Chicken nuggets and junk foods from Mc Donald’s. Typical teenager right? The specialist explained that reflux was playing a role as well. Our family knew his diet was influencing his health. The next segment caught us off guard: It showed Justin drinking a GREEN DRINK! Yup, chalk full of veggies and minerals – his superiors didn’t care what he thought of it, they knew what it could do for him! Our whole family roared “It’s a green drink!” Fun!

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