Monday, August 15, 2011

Hello Everyone!


Our website is up and running! We were down for a few days as we republished the site with more information. The article/Info page is full of recommended reading, and videos. Our site we recommend page has new information as well. Our new video (this is different than the one I did with Jen last month) is up and we ask you to pass it along to friends and family. It is a more professional look at ALL we offer here! (I even talk slow if you can believe that! )


Many of you have asked about our retreats. We are excited to tell you…they start in October! Many details will come at the end of this week. Mark your calendar though, the first one starts at 4 pm on Thursday October 6th and runs until Saturday October 9th! Saturday’s dinner meal is open for you to invite a guest, and we have really great activities lined up! Chad and AnnaMaria will be our retreat directors, and Jen and I will speak as well. WE CAN’T WAIT! Yoga, all raw foods, vision boards (new to me too!) and classes that are GREAT! I am counting down the days!


The fall class schedule is coming this week. If you have not had a chance to let us know what classes interest you the most, please make that a priority. Check out our class list on line and choose.

New classes for this fall: Healing and Preventing Cancer from Within, Problem Prostates – a look at Prostate Cancer (you purchase it at the store…), Body Toning – Physical Trainer Zach Gayan will be presenting this series to help anyone shape and tone up, and ADD/ ADHD Which Foods Help, Which Foods Don’t for Adults and Children. This will be a great new year everyone!


The other day while working I reflected on something I learned, and brought the parable into my business life. For those of you new to this store and location, I moved here two weeks before Christmas in 1999 with five children all under the age of 10, had 40 dollars to my name and one bed. No refrigerator – didn’t have one of those for months, and very little food. I would stare at the buildings next to our home (the old rectory) and wonder what in the world I could do with them. The owner of the property was kind to me and my children, and became like a second father to me. Needless to say, you all benefit from the miracles of faith that happened here starting in 1999. The saying “build it they will come” became my everyday belief. First with the wedding center, later with Nature’s Garden Health Center.

The religious aspect was faith. I needed to exercise faith and not let myself doubt. Faith cannot exist in the same space as doubt.

With business, success cannot exist in the same space as failure.

At Nature’s Garden, we have much in store for you over the next few months. I cannot wait to tell you everything that is ordered and planned, but I must wait!
July and August are often the worst months of the year for Natural Foods. Many consumers shop the farmers markets, take vacations, and begin getting ready for school. We just ask that you please continue to shop at the store. We are no different, in that our family spends much more time doing day trips now than any other time of the year! However, our bills for maintaining this property are high and static. So even though sales dip, maintenance does not.

Thank you for being as supportive as you are. It is with anxiety that I wait for school to start, classes to begin, and to see many of you more often!


Being part of Nature’s Garden has been a blessing to us, as well as many people around. The testimonials that are now coming in are so wonderful to read. Please, if you have not taken a few minutes to write something, consider doing so to help motivate those around you!

Have a wonderful week everyone! Stop in soon!



P.S. I am speaking at a Youth Discussion on Sunday for teenagers ages 12 – 18. The subject is faith. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, (it never does) if you have children that are interested in attending, please come. Depending on attendance, we will hold this meeting at our home or in the church. I was asked to speak to the youth, and there was no way I could say no! I LOVE PEOPLE!

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