Friday, April 10, 2009


from Eden WI (Gourmet's Delight Mushrooms) and boy are they GREAT! They grow all of their mushrooms organically, but in order to sell them in an organic package they need to pay more. So knowing all of their mushrooms are grown the exact same way, organically, I still ordered the ones labeled organic, but would like to save you all money buy getting the ones in bulk that are not in packages.....thoughts? THEY ARE GREAT and all we will use from now on in our Cafe!

GF OG VEGAN PIZZAS and CRUSTS! Yup! You read that right! Delicious crusts and made from all gluten free ingredients! NO FILLERS AND NO STARCHES! Yes, they have oat flour, but GF oat flour from Canada! We are very excited about all happening in our kitchen, so come enjoy! They are available in our freezer, and at the cafe!

HERBAL CLASS HAND OUT: The hand out from this weeks class is attached. ALL ATTENDANTS ( there were over 40) Please print this hand out for your record, as the guide you received did not have our disclaimer on it. Please return those or throw them away and use this one instead. These will be available in our store as well!

WE ARE GETTING A NEW KITCHEN! We are moving the sinks and countertops after closing this Saturday the 11th.There will be no fresh bread Monday or Tuesday. Sorry! No water those days! The store will be stocked well before we close down! The cafe will re-open on Thursday the 16th.

FRESH TROUT ON THE WAY! During the French class the chef mentioned the wonderful trout from Rushing Waters. I just flipped as I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner! Rushing Waters is owned by a friend I grew up with Peter Fritch! He is a great man and has integrity! I called him this week and asked about his farming practices. He uses no antibiotics, and uses no animal by products either (I should have guessed). He related that his farm is the leader in the industry throughout the nation in raising trout naturally. So, with such excitement, I said we would enjoy carrying his products. Our family took a great trip out there years ago, and it is a pristine environment. We will have posters and a sign up for fresh trout in the store. You can place your order by Tuesday and we will have it delivered on Friday.... fresh! And of course, how could I resist making some yummy stuffing and sell some stuffed trout up in the store as well! His smoked Salmon will be a tester here this weekend! Visit his website for more information See store for details! (details details details...those are why we are here so late at night!)

RUMMAGE: Tables, desks, chairs, rocking chairs, misc from Waldo are here! See attached for detailed list. Some items are here in front of the store, others will be coming this week. Please let us know what you are interested by calling Roger at 262-339-9056.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to us, happy birthday to us, happy birthday Natures Garden, happy birthday to us! YES! We have been open one year this weekend!!

If Interested, please visit
this is a great website, and I have been a fan of Mike Adams since before he was as "big" as he is now. He is just a great man with great leadership in the health world. his writings are worth reading! He sends out great updates each day. I enjoy reading what I will too! AND he doesn't sell you anything!

ORGANIC and HEIRLOOM SEEDS Will be next week? heck, not soon enough! EXCITING! THEY ARE TRULY ON THEIR WAY!

Have a WONDERFUL Easter weekend, but don't eat too many eggs or CANDY!
And all that food coloring?
Heck, ......just enjoy Easter!


Livin Life from Livin Foods!

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