Thursday, May 7, 2009


Much to tell....

Our gardens will be open starting Saturday for all adults, so if you want to walk through them after or before shopping at Nature's Garden or eating at ZuZu's (we have three outdoor tables for the cafe), feel free! HOWEVER...we are very adamant about our gardens being admired by adults and older teenagers, as children in our garden are simply not a match. Sorry! We have had NIGHTMARE experiences (literally) from unattended children running through (and trampling) our tulips, ferns, perennials and throwing rocks into our pond at the fish. So unless the children are accompanied by me, Karen (the mean woman) or Roger (the mean man) , they simply can not go into the gardens. Sorry! If you are a mother with small children, please do not take offence to this. Our children have grown up working in the gardens and know their boundaries. Most other children just want to run and pick all of our flowers for their mothers!!!

The gardens are to the north of the church in front of our home. It is always fun to see what is blooming each week! Our magnolia tree is beautiful right now, and the pond and waterfall were cleaned up yesterday. As soon as the water came down the falls and splashed into the pond the fish all hovered under it and the frogs went wild! They sang and sang and sang! Our fish were fed today, and that is a mile marker for spring. They cannot eat from October to May. There are thousands of frog eggs in the pond as well as tadpoles so enjoy looking!

FRESH TROUT will be here Friday! (not from our pond....:-)) We ordered some of everything, and are anxious to pass this great fish on to you! Peter has done a tremendous job as a leader in organic and natural trout farming methods, so rest assured there is nothing in this trout you wouldn't want! It tastes GREAT!

Radio Commercials start next week! Listen for our commercials on 92.5! We are excited to share some health insight as well as advertise our health food store. We are writing and producing them all, so this should be fun!

WEDDING SEASON: Just a reminder that this weekend marks the beginning of our wedding season. Please note that if we have an outdoor wedding, we would want you to enter our driveway on the opposite side of the driveway to avoid driving next to our outdoor seating, and please enter QUIETLY during the wedding. Our wedding schedule is found on our homepage so you can plan your visits! The only time to try to avoid coming is the 25 minutes of the actual wedding. So if there is a 1:30 wedding, come prior to 1:25 and after 2:10 or so. Simple! The cafe is open all normal hours EXCEPT if there is a 11:0 AM wedding. If there is an 11:00 AM wedding we will be closed for lunch that day. There are only a few 11:00 weddings all year, so this should be no problem. ALL evenings the cafe will remain open as we do not have evening receptions here.

Speaking of weddings.....The first wedding in our family is in May! Our daughter Alyssa is getting married in CA. We are wondering if anyone has info or ties on how to get stand-by tickets? There is no way we can afford to all go out for the wedding, so we are looking for a way to get just four of us out there. But, all of you who own businesses know that the first few years have NO profit margin for airline tickets! (or much time off......) so if anyone knows of a way to get tickets for less, could you please et us know? THANKS!

I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM for ICE CREAM! We have a new ice cream section in our freezer! Some dairy free and gluten free ice cream as well! (The Rice Dream is yummy for those of you who have not enjoyed dairy free ice cream.) We have had numerous people tell us that once they ate organic ice cream, there is no going back!

ALL RUMMAGE ITEMS FREE! All rummage items are free today only! ALL Must be gone by Friday...there is enough to have your own rummage sale!

Lovage, Sorrell, Herbs, vegetables ALL HERE AND MORE COMING! Look for potted items to bring home soon! (we have some already...)

SOME NEW ITEMS: 5# blackberries (YUMMY!), OG Synergy Superfruit flavor, OG artichokes ( we have complete details on how to prepare these yummy things!), Desert Essence lotions - Almond and we have coconut too!, Tree of Life OG Strawberry Fruit spread, and coming yet this week: Raw Revolution OG RAW Tropical Mango Bars, OG Peanut Butter with Chocolate (will be my husbands favorite) , OG Peanut Butter with Current (my personal favorite), OG Peanut Butter with Molasses (YUM!!), OG Peanut Butter with Cranberries(no, maybe it was this one as my favorite....I can't remember!) YUMMY!

SWINE FLU SCARE: My take? Stay healthy and live as normal. I do believe there will be another outbreak in fall, and it will come back worse than it just was. So, be prepared. If there are known cases, avoid those public areas. And, the BEST thing you can do is eat living foods and build your immunity as well as your bodies ability to fight what may ail it. We have brought in an abundance of two homeopathy remedies. These are GREAT for the flu and saved countless numbers of people during the 1918 flu epidemic. And best yet, they are under $7.00 a piece. Does protection get any cheaper? Pick up Bryonia and Gelsemium next time you are in, and just keep it in your medical cabinet. Have food in your storage, water stored too and eat and exercise well!

Well I am off to the gardens to play.......well work.....

TREASURE this great day! And THANK you for supporting our business, it is a pleasure to serve all of you!

Wishing you the best of health,

livin' the free life!
free from hormones
free from nitrates
free from antibiotics
free from pesticides
free from herbicides
free from food additives
free from food colorings
free from illness
free of pain!

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