Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We’re BACK! (no, this is not a horror flick…..) We just spent five days in Sunny CA! Except, NO SUN! so, I simply do not believe it shines there, except in the movies! Our daughter (Roger’s oldest) Allysa was married in San Diego and everything was beautiful! Quite an exciting time for us. Jenna did the pictures and they are incredible (should I have even doubted?!) and they will be available to view soon! We finished our stay with a reunion of the Ziemer clan (Karen’s family) and it was terrific! So if you have sent an email or called, we are just now returning those calls….

Our twins Eric and Emily are graduating this Sunday! Yes, the excitement never ends around here, nor do the parties! Eric and Emily are both heading to BYU Idaho this fall. Emily is studying world religion in her theology major and Eric plans on becoming a Dr. of chiropractic and natural medicine.

Classes on DVD!
Our classes are now being edited and are almost ready for sale! As we will be selling these DVD’s to other health food stores and book stores in the US (and outside the US) we need a name for the series! As we are selling them to other stores, we can not use our name or logo for NG. So do any of you have an idea? I would like to use my name, ZuZu because well, it’s fun! We have quite the variety of classes, some that are near completion are: Sprouting 101-1001, Raw Desserts, Raw breads, Crackers and Chips, Grilling from Vegetables- Trout with Rushing Waters, Groovy Grains and Sauces Seasonings and Salad Dressings. Please send ideas for naming our endless series on health and food preparation. My brain is full and I just can’t think!

RECOMMENDATIONS needed. On the DVD’s we will be putting quotations from our shoppers or class attendants on how the classes are presented and if the things you have learned have been easy to implement or have helped you in your quest for a healthier life. Please send any thoughts on that as well. We would only include your first name and city and state so please send your first name, city and state with any recommendation.

ESSENTIAL OILS coming this week! Yes, this took a lot of research, but we have found a company we really like! I just spoke again to Kevin, of The Aromatherapy Place, and he is off to Australia today to visit the plants! Kevin has a vast knowledge of herbs and oils, and is anxious to share is knowledge. Kevin is sending our first shipment today. We know that there are many choices for oil out there. In our studies we have found oils profess to be organic, but in reality are not. There are tight standards that Kevin holds, and the only time he calls his oil organic, is if it is certified organic. They have many oils (over 200) and organic oils now, and are adding more certified organic oils each week by making the slight changes needed to become certified. The product line is great, and we are happy to offer many new items to you. I know many have shown interest in Young Living oils, but this company offers more of what I feel comfortable standing behind. Truly, essential oils hold healing qualities, and I have avoided “marketing” healing agents on any multi level plan because I simply do not believe in multi-marketing. Our oils are affordable, and the quality is in no way less than that of multi-marketed oils. I believe you will be pleased! Come next week as Pat shares her knowledge in the Wonderful World of Oils Tuesday June 9th 6:30 PM. To those of you who shop here and use Young Living, I hope I have not offended you in any way! Young Living has much to offer, and I am hopeful people will use essential oils no matter where they purchase them from, they are GREAT!

The church building needs a new roof soon, any roofers out there? 262-629-4300
AND we are giving the cross on the top of the church to anyone who rents the appropriate equipment to take it down for a very minimal fee! The cross needs to be adjusted, and rather than pay to have it adjusted, we are just going to remove it.

Have a great week and weekend and COME SHOP! Please make our store part of your weekly shopping so we can continue to provide new products! Please keep passing along our name! Heck, our prices on organic produce beats most of the prices on conventional produce anywhere, so don’t think because it’s organic (and great quality by the way) that it’s expensive! What we wouldn’t have done to find a store like this in CA…….we felt lost!

Maybe that’s what we will do next….FRANCHISE!

To your GREAT VIBRANT health!

Alive and KICKIN’!

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