Friday, October 9, 2009

ZuZu's theme TACO dinner TONIGHT! Taco's like you have never had before may I add! Build your own from these ingredients: Sprouted Whole Wheat Tortillas, Sprouted Corn Tortillas, Homemade Wheat Tortillas, Rice Tortillas, and Corn Taco Shells stuffed with sprouted whole wheat taco stuffing- black bean taco stuffing-lentil taco stuffing- meat taco stuffing and then topped with homemade fresh salsa, sour cream, raw cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, yummy taco sauce, and seasoned brown rice! This is a great meal!! Come enjoy!

NEW WEBSITE: Our new website is up! We have been working on this for a very long time and you will enjoy it! Many raw food video clips(only five uploaded so far..takes a while!), All of our literature, and more! Please visit and pass the site along to everyone you can. We want enough people to keep clicking that the ratings go up high! You can become a fan on youtube so each new video clip that gets posted will be sent to you. We are very excited for all there is to offer, and we hope you are too! All websites go directly to the same site so please visit one or soon!

Thanksgiving Turkeys! - Local (very local) and Pasture raised- Available fresh Nov. 21st. - Breed is called Broad-Breasted White, known for their abundance of breast meat - Average size will be 15-20 lbs. Price is $ 3.35 a pound. (we may be able to grab one or two smaller ones...just let us know) and these birds are terrific! We had one last thanksgiving (someone forgot to pick their up!) and it was very tasty! For a dead bird!! :-) opps, forgot I had to sell these babies! YUMMY!!! We only have 20 left to sell, so PLEASE RSVP ASAP!

Rosieisms: Roger and I visited a farmers market in Mayville the other day. To our great surprise, we found an organic egg farmer! They are not certified, but use all organic grains and follow all organic guidelines. I bought a dozen eggs and we left the market full of items from their produce stand. When we got home we opened the eggs to scramble a few to taste test. Rose ran over and yelled MOM! Look at those! There are two white eggs! Baffled, we asked what was so surprising and she replied..........I have never seen a white egg! this considered sheltered? Not letting our children eat store bought white eggs? she simply asked if perhaps the chickens were white.....

Have a blast of a weekend!

Excited! Happy! and after finishing the new website....TIRED!

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