Friday, October 2, 2009

What a WEEK! Ok....Two weeks!

Yesterday our bread hit the streets and had an AWESOME AWESOME response! You will all enjoy the new look, sliced and all, when you come in! We have hundreds of names of people who loved the bread and want to purchase it at their local store, so hopefully we will be able to get our bread in the alternative stores soon! (Yes they are alternative stores.....well I call them alternative because they are the ones selling alternative foods! We sell the REAL stuff!)

And now that we have a manufacturing kitchen, we can get you our other breads as well! Watch for the Cinnamon Raisin and Tomato Basil breads coming soon!

ZuZu’s has GREAT THEME nights and Lunch dates planned! Check out the attached flyer!! We are all excited to share with you more of the foods we enjoy as a family! The PDF attached is for printing on a two sided paper, so page four is the first you see, so just pretend it is page one.....but it really isn't..

Attached is our Soup, Stews and Stews recipe newsletter! Enjoy some yummy soup this cold weekend!

SPOTLIGHT SPINACH SALAD: We have extra spinach from the big fair last night. We served hundreds of people yesterday at the Taste of Homes show (went great, had fun, sold a lot, learned at allot!) , and will have Spotlight Salads in the cooler with the ever-so-popular-and-somewhat-addicting ZuZu’s Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing! YUM! Soup and salad.....bring it home!

Cooking Class Schedule: Don't have one yet. Painted and rearranged rooms all last week and this week instead! Sorry but.....will get that done this next week! Family first?! Send in suggestions of repeat classes if you want!

Transformational Testimonials: Our new website (AWESOME!!!! ALMOST DONE!!!! We even will have how to videos!) Has a page for testimonials. So many of you have shared with us your successes, and we would love others to learn them too! You do NOT need to sign your full name, but could use your first name if you wish. If you could just take a few minutes to write a note about how you feel eating better than you did previously. What changed? Loose weight? More energy? Off any medications? (One faithful customer is off of 8 medications after changing his diet over the past 5-6 months!!!). It is my conviction that whole food in its whole state changes everyone persons health. Period. PLEASE share with us your thoughts, so we can inspire others as well! I don't care where you shop, but if you have changed your eating habits, or exercise routine, please share!

I am on the wine thing so it won't be long......keep the requests coming and we will have a wine tasting session sometime soon so you can tell us which ones you want us to carry......humm. A Mormon hosting a wine that is a good one! (yes, it is absolutely true, we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and no, we don't have more wives running around. What in the world would Roger do with another wife!!!! Lot's of misconceptions out there don't believe the media....just ask us! And YES we believe in Jesus Christ! And YES we dance! ALOT! (Any reason for a party in our book....))

Christmas Giving Tree: For several years we organized giving trees. We gathered items for families in the area and then took them over the week before Christmas. We also brought boxes of food. These families were found through other people in the community. Only two years did we go through the community services to find needy families. We were wondering what response there would be from the several hundred of you that shop here if we organized a giving tree at NG? We would ask for needy families you know and then collect gifts from those that shop here. It is an easy system, as we have done it for years. Please send your thoughts.

That’s it! Have a TERRIFIC WEEKEND!

Eating, living, and loving life!

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