Monday, April 12, 2010

12 Days and Counting!

Yes, only 12 days until the EXPO! We are all pumped here, and hope everyone receiving this letter is getting excited! Please visit our website for the updated list of booths and our amazing list of speakers! The Doctors and professionals coming to speak is GREAT! It will be a perfect event for anyone still skeptical about natural healing to become more informed than they could ever imagine. Please consider sending an email out to any and everyone on your email lists about the EXPO. Perhaps post something on your work calendar? Please ask others to as well! Please help us spread the word about the Holistic Health and Healthy Living Expo and the amazing list of booths and speakers!


Coming this Saturday to a health center near you…..2 Days with the mad scientist and engineer – the master herb man himself….CHIS! Chris and Joy are excited to offer this class to us. The classes are on April 17th and May 1st from 9 am – 3:30 pm. The cost is $165.00 and includes lunch both days at ZuZu’s Organic Café. (Personally, it is my favorite café to dine at…..) If you can only make it to one class the cost is $100.00 and you will still receive all the books. If you have not heard Chris speak, you will be blown away with knowledge and inspired to live a life rich and abundant with HERBS! The class will make you a pro as the Family Herbalist! Please call 262-629-4300 to register! NOTE: Chris will be using all proceeds to cover his trip for his master herbalist final exam this summer!

ZuZu’s Open This Weekend!

Join us for lunch or dinner this Saturday April 17th! Saturday is Taco Taco night! Enjoy corn shells, corn chips and homemade whole wheat tortilla taco’s with lentils or local beef topped with corn, black beans, lettuce, tomatoes, raw cheese, black olives, guacamole, fresh salsa and sour cream! Isn’t your mouth watering yet? As we are only opening our café certain days right now, we want to make sure we have a good response. Please RSVP If you are considering coming to either lunch or dinner, so we have a ball park for which to shoot!

NEW THURSDAY CLASS – Raw Dips, Sauces and Spreads!

Join Cassie our raw food guru chef as she shows us simple sauces, spreads and dips! YUMMY healthy products that can take the place of mayonnaise, salad dressings and lunch spreads in our daily diet. We are excited to have Cassie with us for this class!

Updated Class Schedule

Our NEW class schedule for May – August 2010 is available! Check it out on line or in the store. We even have THREE FREE MOVIE NIGHTS and Raw Potlucks!

New Products!

We all appreciate the TERRIFIC medicinal and culinary herbs and spices (almost all are 100% organic) that Chris and Joy find and sell to us. They find these herbs from many companies. Well guess what! Now they are bottling up fresh organic culinary blends for us at NG! The salt free pizza seasoning is great on salads and potatoes as well as pizzas. The all purpose it wonderful, the Garam Marsala is wonderful on any grain and with vegetables, and then the single herbs are YUMMY! Please visit our spice area and stock up on a few……or all. I just am not a good saleswoman am I! BUY THEM ALL!

NEW: Dr. Christophers Itch Ointment, Stings and Bites Ointment, and Comfrey Ointment – Umeboshi Paste (plum paste), Need seed oil, and Dried Maitake, Shitake and Whole Shitake Mushrooms! We also have new sprouted salads in the cooler …YUM!

Extra Room?

We have someone who we would like to hire full time. She is a raw food chef, and has a culinary degree and a degree in architectural design. (I may have the exact degree wrong, but she designs homes and additions…) She is as excited to be here as we are to have her but….she currently lives on the south side of Milwaukee.

We are wondering if there is anyone in this area that would have a room to spare Monday – Friday on a weekly basis. It could be Tuesday – Friday, Monday – Thursday or whatever works best. We just want her here, and she wants to be here. Please let us know if this would work for you. We would love her full time, but would settle for part time if anyone is looking for an architect!

Living the Extreme Life….Crystal Balls etc…..

One of my friends wrote me a letter recently. Because many of you may receive the same kind of letter, I wanted to share my response. And, perhaps some of you reading this blog post or newsletter may just have the same thoughts….so I wanted to share this with you!

Accusation: heading down a road that leads to a foggy life, crystals, secular thoughts etc, and living to an unhealthy extreme. Some of My Response: “Change is hard for many, change in religion, change in habits, and change in diet. Unhealthy extremes is not at all how we live. Purchasing nitrate filled, msg flavor enhanced, toxin laden, chemically enhanced, enriched-because-everything-that-had-life-in-it-was-sucked-out, food colored, food additive filled (food additives that have never been tested on humans (now well over 2000)) eating these foods may be considered extreme!!!

Feasting on nuts, seeds and vegetables, then enjoying salads, beans and grains is not extreme.

Bologna lunchmeat, now THAT is extreme!

So if the facts for making us extreme are that we will not drink soda, we don't eat processed foods, and we don't snack of French fries and pizza each week, then count us in baby!

Please take the time and come to the Holistic Health and Healthy Living Expo on April 24th. There are thousands of people in our area that eat and believe as we crystals or lava lamps either.

The people who shop here and those we are working with are doing incredible! People off of all their insulin within weeks, cancers receding, one woman not coughing for the first time in years, children, adults all clearing out their bodies and restoring LIFE and Marrow to their bones! Wheelchair bound people feeling more energy than ever before, numerous people sleeping better than ever, natural return of libido……Now if this is extreme, YEAH! We will live this life forever. It is so much more fun than the heavy weight of illness and addictions. What we live my dear friend, is FREE. Truth always sets us free. Truth about food will set many others free. Free from addictions, free from toxic drugs, free from financial drain.

As I was writing this letter to you, a local doctor called and asked me what I would do with the diet for a 10 year old girl with UTI. Isn't that cool? Doctors know drugs...that are what they know. I know food, which is what I know. I cannot, nor claim to have the ability to heal anyone. I just offer thoughts and advice if asked, and the body heals itself. IT WAS DESIGNED TO DO SO. If anyone can testify of the bodies’ power to heal...I would stand in the front of the line! Our bodies are AMAZING!”

It was a natural response, and as others express their concerns for you as your journey on this road to extreme health and wellness, never hesitate to complete the thoughts above with perhaps……….. appreciation for their concern for perhaps what may seem like an extreme lifestyle, and I guess, compared to most of America, we may very well be extreme………EXTREMLY HEALTHY!

Can we Pretty Please Borrow Your Distiller?

If anyone has a distiller we can borrow for the Expo that would be great! We want to distill water from the surrounding cities to show what comes out of the water. IF you have a distiller and could lend it to us that would be great! Even better….If you can distill water from your city let us know! We need water from: West Bend, Jackson, Slinger, Hartford, one with reverse osmosis, and one with cheap bottled water. All water samples need to be done using UN SOFTENED water. IF this is possible let us know! You can distill it now and it will be fine for next week, or distill it next week sometime. We will donate a few gallons of water (distilled) so you won’t live without! J

Asian Beetles?

Does anyone know how to rid their home of Asian Beetles or lady bugs? People have asked me and I simply do not have any answer. Thoughts? Responses will be shared with all of you!

Check us out at the EXPO!

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