Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Book, Herb Class

Hello from UTAH!

It has been a wonderful and much needed get-away for Jenna and myself. The mountains are majestic, the weather is perfect for this time of year, and the company terrific! We are visiting “family” in the west, and stopping at historic buildings along the way. Although we are technically on vacation, I sure can't stop what comes naturally....sharing! There have been two Living with Energy presentations scheduled while we are here, one at a doctors home and one tonight, along with one 5 hour raw food class. YUM! It was GREAT to share as much as possible in 5 hours with the wonderful people in the west. Everyone is quite excited, and even a few of the business minds out here are talking among themselves on how to get our products to them! Perhaps a store and classes in the west? Well, whatever comes our way.....but we won't move. Just visit!

Just a friendly reminder that amidst the subarctic temperatures Wisconsin is having (OK – perhaps not subarctic but COLD) there will be a wealth of health shared when Chris and Joy come for the class on Thursday. We are MOST excited, and can only attest that the things they teach WORK. I am anxious to share many testimonials about their products in my new book. Come and learn how the healing power of herbs can benefit you and your family. If you can not afford the class fee, come anyways and donate what you can. We NEVER want someone not to attend because of money. Please come and learn. Knowledge is the key to great health!

The Book

I have shared with many of you the desire to write another book on health. The time has come. There has been SO MUCH inspiration while out on this vacation that my heart pounds with excitement to get home and start! It will be a health book, recipe book and a how-to-treat-the-common-ails-naturally book all in one. I will need help. Anyone interested in helping with editing, typing recipes, making recipes in the kitchen and cover design please let me know!

Enjoy your week!

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