Thursday, January 26, 2012

OPEN HOUSE!, Free Classes!, Specials for attendees!

YOUR HEALTH STARTS NOW! more excuses, it's not just cold season...
Learn to build up your Immune System! It's practically free education for the whole family!!!

ATTEND these CLASSES and GET SPECIALS at EACH CLASS you will definately want!!

January 26th-28th~ Health and Wellness OPEN HOUSE!!

Thursday January 26~
7:00 pm Cancer and Chronic Disease: From Table to Cell – Using Quantum Physics to Understand How Food and Emotions Create Life! Live with hope! Discover how cellular biology reveals the triggers to cancer, the truth about genes and your genetic disposition, and learn uncovered truths that have helped millions reverse chronic disease. What makes up a cell? How do nutrients get into the cell? What is toxicity? Learn how proteins influence every aspect of your life, where to get them and how all life is influenced by them. Join us for an evening that can change your life, give your loved ones hope and help you understand the power within YOU to heal! Class fee $20.00.

Friday January 27~
6:00 pm FREE CLASS: Soup and CEDSA Demo (soup for the tummy – CEDSA for the new you!) CEDSA - Computerized Electro Dermal Stress Analysis - is the product of a 50-year evolution in Biological-Energetic/biofeedback testing. The technique used in CEDSA testing is based on the Chinese medical theory that improper energy flow through the acupuncture meridians causes energy imbalances within the body. CEDSA works by tapping into the meridian pathways by gently pressing different acupuncture points with a probe and measuring the electrical feedback. Using these acupuncture meridians, CEDSA has the unique ability to search past the symptoms to the root cause of your health condition.

7:00 pm FREE CLASS: Detoxing – The Answer to a New You! Living in today’s polluted and chemically contaminated world, we can only control our exposure to toxins by what we consume or use in our home. There is much more we can't control externally. Detoxing protocols are necessary for everyone, not only for “sick” people. Fortunately, there are some very simple, tasty and inexpensive methods that can be incorporated easily into your daily life!

Saturday January 28~
9:00 am FREE CLASS: Green Drinks – Creating the pH Miracle! Start the day off right with delicious minerals to go! Learn the simple techniques for changing the bodies’ pH first thing in the morning. Enjoy PROTEIN RICH powerhouse drinks that will provide nutrients and energy to anyone who breathes (that’s you!) A variety of drinks will be enjoyed by all!

10:00 am FREE CLASS: Restoring Respiratory Health Part 1&2! Tired of living with allergies, sinus problems and STRESS? Want a bit of information on a way to help ease asthmatic concerns? Learn how to support and sustain strong kidney and adrenal function and also discover how a 4 inch kitchen product can: 1) Cleanse the nasal passages, 2) Remove excess mucus that leads to allergy symptoms, sinus infections, flu and colds, 3) Create room for additional flow of clogged debris from the sinuses, 4) Promote improved ease in breathing, 5) Encourage upper respiratory health by removing allergens and pollutants before they cause a concern.

11:00 am FREE CLASS: Creating the Mindset to Make the Change! Enjoy the humorous and enlightening prop filled presentation from someone who has "been there and done that." Join Anna Maria for her personal story on her quest for health freedom. Anna Maria holds many degrees in communication, so we promise your class will be inspiring and quite a joy!

12:00pm -4:00pm TAYLA WATER...Get HYDRATED & EDUCATED by our Talya Water expert, Marty Pankow

TALYA WATER is complimentary on tap at Nature’s Garden this Thursday, Friday & Saturday during our OPEN HOUSE !!
Bring in your mugs, jugs & tubs…okay, not the tub! and FILL UP for FREE (No limits)

12:00 pm FREE CLASS: Vitality and Joy From the Sun! Discover how your body manufactures vitamin D, and how vitamin D deficiencies can cause prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, osteoporosis, rickets and other diseases. 10% of your gene pool RELY’s on Vitamin D – learn how to get the great benefits of Vitamin D even in the winter months using our Vitality Tanning System!

1:00 pm FREE CLASS: Skin Brushing & Lymphatic Technique Skin Brushing improves the appearance of your skin, stimulates blood circulation and the lymphatic system, and greatly enhances toxin elimination. Lose weight, look great and enjoy wonderful health
by learning what’s, when’s and why’s of skin brushing from Jen! Enjoy this easy and effective style of cleansing. This class will really open your eyes (and cells) to elimination!

2:00 pm FREE CLASS: Raw Food Demo:Making Living Nut Milks: 1,2,3! Nut milk is a FAVORITE in our home. Almond, cashew, brazil and other nuts make a fantastic substitute for dairy, and have NO cholesterol, no lactose, no hormones or antibiotics….just great nutrition! Use nut milks for all your baking, smoothies and even banana ice cream! DELICIOUS Milk in SECONDS!

3:00 pm FREE CLASS: CEDSA Demo CEDSA - Computerized Electro Dermal Stress Analysis - is the product of a 50-year evolution in Biological-Energetic/biofeedback testing. The technique used in CEDSA testing is based on the Chinese medical theory that improper energy flow through the acupuncture meridians causes energy imbalances within the body. CEDSA works by tapping into the meridian pathways by gently pressing different acupuncture points with a probe and measuring the electrical feedback. Using these acupuncture meridians, CEDSA has the unique ability to search past the symptoms to the root cause of your health condition.

4:00 pm HEALING WITH HERBS FROM THE INSIDE OUT! Herbs can help with your colon, thyroid, arthritis, cancer cells, blood pressure, warts, acne, fungus, skin abrasions, infections, skin cancers, cuts and open wounds. How did they get there and how do you heal them? Well, that’s why we’re offering this amazing class! Come learn to heal with herbs. “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food” – Hippocrates 400 B.C.
Class Fee is $15.00

5:00 pm EMERGENCY PREPARDNESS SEMINAR! Karen has learned much about planning for an emergency and has taught this information around Wisconsin in 8 counties over the past 5 years.
Learn how your family can store food, purify water, harvest seeds, use a compass, home prepare for an emergency, community planning tips for a national disaster and lots MORE! ..including a trip into the Urbanek's home and see their basement and how they are organized in case of a disaster. 72 hr kits, food storage, water purification, nuclear fallout precautions and disaster essentials will all be covered.

BULK ORDERING will be available for non & organic foods that evening.
Seminar cost: $15 /person and $25 /couple

* TROUT (stuffed butterfly cut)
(valid while supplies last)

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