Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Quote!

It is always neat to find a quote that makes you think deeper, or
inspires you to do better.  I for one, have many of these quotes
around my home and office and even make them into bookmarks.   In
response to a letter I had been sent, one of my reply sentences caught
me.  I wanted to share this with you! Perhaps this is
one of my small quotes to share!

“You Cannot Escape Illness, if you do not Seek Wellness.”

Just wanted to share!

Teachers!Parents!Come to Thursday’s Class! 7:00 PM

Both Chris and Chad will help you understand how ADD and ADHD
labels can be removed from your name.  Help your children, help
the children you teach, help your friends who suffer with the
side effects of ADD and ADHD.  You do not need to live with these
symptoms!  There are many ways to balance the body.  Come learn
from two powerhouses of information facts that can help you and
others for the rest of your life!  A class you do not want to

Open House

WOW what a weekend! Thank you to everyone who came to speak,
share, and who spent the entire day with us.  It was a wonderful
experience to share so much with so many of you! 
THANK YOU again for trusting in us!

Allopathic /Natural

I feel very inspired to share with you a few thoughts.  Please
understand that I have been in pursuit and living a natural way
of living for decades.  I have sought the opinion of medical
doctors in my years of learning and raising children, and feel
quite confident that with all I have learned in the past four
years, I could have avoided most of my few in number trips to the
doctor over the past 15 years.   Why?  Because of one MAJOR
difference between Allopathic Doctors and Natural Doctors:
Allopathics treat symptoms: Natural modalities look for and treat
the cause of the symptoms.

Unfortunately, doctors in the medical field simply are never
taught HOW to use herbs and food to drain, de-toxify, nourish,
and rebuild a thyroid, gall bladder, tonsils, or any other organ.
They are taught to remove them.   Often, they have told their
clients they do not “need” tonsils, the appendix, or a gall
bladder.  These are false statements.  Each organ plays a divine
role in balancing your body and providing you with vibrant

Sadly, most medical doctors are given four hours – if they are lucky
– of instruction on foods related to health in their 12 years
of college.  Currently, in some medical schools they now must
read a book by a natural doctor, just for exposure.

Medical Doctors are not instructed that eating cashews may do the same
as taking Prozac. They do not learn that milk and dairy are the
number one cause of ear infections, nasal concerns, or sinus
problems, and that by simply removing dairy – the child may
never need ear tubes. They do not learn that GMO foods coat each
cell, not allowing proper nourishment or toxin removal from each
of your 70 trillion cells.  They simply do not learn that eating
a living food diet can reverse 99% of ALL type 2 diabetes, and
can cut cancer practically out of the American dictionary. 

Living foods create life, nourishment, water and drainage to each
cell of your body.  Cancer and chronic dis-ease cannot live in a healthy body with a
high pH.  There are many ways to obtain a healthy body, and
eating more fruits and veggies is only one way! But alas, this is
not an article on different ways of fighting cancer.  (Come to
our Chronic disease class the fourth Thursday!)

So why is Nature’s Garden different?  How come your friends,
yourselves, your husbands and your children visit with us or come
to classes at Nature’s Garden?  Because WE HAVE studied natural
health.  We HAVE, and DAILY live these principles each and every day.
We live with great health and energy!

All of us here at Nature’s Garden use natural forms of health
care to keep our bodies balanced and nourished.  We use
chiropractors, massage therapists, meditation or prayer,foot detoxing,
thermal therapy, saunas (many days a week), emotional release work
and the vitality bed.  Along with wholesome natural foods,
we believe we have each found our own balance in creating our own health. 

Chris, our master herbalist, scientist and engineer is a VAST
WAREHOUSE of endless information and testimony of the healing
qualities of herbs.  Chris is an amazing human being, and we are
honored that he is part of our team.  

You hear from Jen and I enough to know our qualifications and
experience.  We believe the body has the power and capability to
HEAL FROM CHRONIC DIS-EASE as well as viruses and bacterial
infections.  We do not need a white coat to know that is
possible, and to share with others how that can work for you. 

If you are intimidated by doctors, do not be.  Recently, we have
witnessed two of our clients receive the cancer label.  One came
in immediately and started detox therapy and major food changes.
She was feeling so much better within days!  For weeks she
improved and was feeling powerful.  Her husband however, did not
support her, would not attend any classes, and together with
their family doctor, “bullied” this poor woman into radiation
and breast removal.  She no longer goes out of the home, and her
life and energy has been drained from her.   The other went as a
lamb to the slaughter – led and intimidated by her family and doctor
into having work done THAT DAY. 

Why? Because intimidation makes one party submissive, and the
other party dominant.  Honestly, how many have purchased a car
when there was only intention of looking?  Or purchased a time
share when they were only going in for the free dinner and movie
offered at the resort?   The cancer industry is no different. 
When you are given the cancer diagnosis, an intimidating fear of
urgency is always present.  Will the doctor suggest you go home
and read on natural therapies?  Drink quarts of lemon water?  Oxygenate the
blood?  Do they even ask what you have been eating or the stress
levels in your life?  We hear the following all too often when we
consult with clients:  “I was told I have cancer.  They
never asked me anything about my lifestyle.”

Cancer does not grow in weeks, but rather in years.   Cancer
should not be feared.  It thrives on fear.  Cancer is alive!
Respect it as such!  The body creates cancer from what it has
been given.  Cancer is a growth – yes, it is living, breathing,
growing, and real.  The cells in cancer each have a respiratory
system, a lymphatic system, a neurological system, and every
single system you have.  Cells are amazing, and each of them can
live independent of your body.  Cells crave nourishment.  They
need minerals and water.   Give your cells what they need to heal!

CANCER CAN and IS HEALED DAILY in the natural world, from one end
of the globe to the next. Why?  Because cancer is a symptom.  You
can do one of two things with any symptom, you can treat the
symptom  i.e.: cut out the cancer or burn the body with 2% acid
(chemotherapy), and then continue live a lifestyle exactly the same
as you did to acquire the symptom (cancers most always return)
….OR you can treat the cause.  Your body is acidic.  Your
thoughts are negative, you are living a stressful life, you do
not feel enough love, you do not give enough love,  you do not
breathe well, and your body is screaming for attention.

I want you to know that YOU are empowered with the capability to
discern truth from error.  YOU are empowered to detoxify and heal
one cell at a time. YOU can choose living food or dead foods.

YOU can choose a doctor or technician that promotes life and
wellness, or one that does not. YOU control your body, your
health and your wellbeing.  No one else should have that control
over you!

If those you love do not share your beliefs, or your excitement,
do not let them squander your zest or quest for higher health.
Even we have watched friends turn away from us, or keep their
children away from our store and home, simply because they are
afraid to “expose” their family to natural foods and natural
health.  Yesterday we received a letter from a friend who did not
want their older son to work for us at the upcoming Vibrant Life
Health Expo because of what they may learn.  Did this hurt us?
Yes!  Will this stop us?  NEVER!  Roger and I have both been in
the position you have.  Jen, Chris and Joy, Cheri, Leah,
AnnaMaria, Renee, Chris H., Chad and all of our children have
needed to stand up for what we know works because we have
integrity and because we want to share HOPE with others!  Yes, we
are different and hopefully we will stand out and encourage
others such as you, to stand firm in your health convictions. 

You can help others. You can influence them simply by living your
life as an example. 

Now, go and SHARE your enthusiasm for LIFE and Wellness because
you can!

Thank you all for your letters of love, and for sharing with us
your triumphs.  We enjoy receiving them, and they help us each
day remember why we do what we do – for YOU!

To your great and powerful health,


Your friend - naturally!

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