Friday, February 3, 2012

Are those Stats for Real?, My Last Letter...


There was not an ounce of intention in my last letter on doctors and cancer to offend anyone, nor did I receive any letters telling me that had been done, but.......I did feel impressed to write a short (yes, thank you - I can be short....) follow up!

Our lives are centered around helping people. We see countless people come into the store, or call us, with an array of ailments from cancer sores to cancers every month. We help as many as we can. In actuality, we do nothing, the amazing body does it all!

With the excitement of seeing so many others do great on natural protocol, it is only normal that we get excited and want to share those findings with all of you! Holistic and natural practices really work! We see it DAILY! Thus, my last letter (now on the blog) was to encourage you that there really IS an alternative.

Embrace the possibility that Mother Nature knows more than you know, and we are still discovering the endless supply of healing care the earth gives us through herbs and foods. We have respect for those in the medical community that save lives,and doctors that research and honor the oath to "do no harm". We wouldn't have two of our children if it wasn't for modern medical procedures!

Now, on to the reason I wrote this short letter.....


I wanted to share with you TRUE facts. These numbers were taken from numerous sources such as WHO (World Health Organization), the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, etc. It is quite impact and tangible to bring these numbers to a daily level, that's why i did so. These stats are also on the front page of our website under the title: Need a Reason to Make the Change to a Natural Lifestyle? Pick One!

Every 24 Hours (yes, every single day...):
3,000 Americans have a heart attack,
2,000 Americans die from a heart attack,
1,500 Americans die from cancer,
5,400 Americans will be told they have cancer,
5,500 Americans will be told they have diabetes,
1,200 Americans die from Medical Malpractice (A JAMA Stat),

Every 60 minutes in America 78 people are admitted into hospitals for prescription drug side effects.
Every 9 minutes in America someone is infected with AIDS,
Every 2 minutes in America someone dies from diabetes,
Every 5 minutes in America someone dies from taking prescription
drugs as prescribed.

From 1994 – 2001 American food based allergies have doubled (could this be linked to GMO’s ?)

44,000 internal memos by the FDA were court ordered to be revealed showing the documented negative effects of GMO’s (These had been withheld from the public.)

Today, in every supermarket in America, up to 90% of all foods sold contain harmful Genetically Modified Ingredients (GMO’S). (FYI: Nature's Garden does not have a single GMO ingredient in anything on our shelves.)

What you eat matters. What you breathe matters. What you put on your skin matters (all those chemicals go to the liver...)  What you do with this information matters!

Please know that our website is chalk full of good things. Please visit, check out the many new pages of information on Vitamin D,Saunas, class info, detoxing, etc.

Our family doesn’t care where you shop for GMO free organic foods and whole food supplements, or where you find vitamin D therapy, or a sauna, or anything we recommend, JUST DO IT!

And if we happen to see you at our store shopping....THANK YOU!!

YOU are why we do what we do!

To your amazing health!


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